What's your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plan?

For many of the world’s highest-paid QHSE professionals, the relaxed pace and allure of summer holiday ‘downtime’ is the perfect opportunity to revitalise their Continuing Professional Development (CPD). If you aspire to join their ranks but are unsure where to get started - fear not! While others have been hitting the beach, I decided it would be far more fun to sit in my office and compile an array of suggestions to make your CPD a breeze!
Get ready to embark on a journey that will benefit both your career and personal growth, all while making a positive impact on the world around you.

Tip #1: Prioritise personal development to nurture your mind and soul.
I’m going to begin this short article with personal development since I believe it’s impossible to effectively pour from an empty cup. However you apply that sentiment is up to you, but I’ve found that prioritising personal development – life skills and life goals, is a terrific and natural motivating force to inspire career skills and career goals. Summer offers a wonderful opportunity to delve into subjects that pique your curiosity - without undue feelings of guilty self-indulgence. It's the holidays, after all! So, explore topics beyond your professional realm and let your mind roam free. I’ve jotted down a few engaging ideas to get you started:
Challenge your assumptions.
Take every opportunity to immerse yourself in books, articles, and thought-provoking blogs across a range of subjects. Or if, like me, you find reading to be a challenge, an Audible subscription is a game-changer. Even YouTube has some dynamite, free resources. I’ve discovered many valuable ‘talking books’ that people have uploaded to YouTube.
Whether you’re reading or listening, this voyage of discovery will enlighten you of new perspectives, challenge your assumptions, and broaden your intellectual horizons. Remember, reading not only enriches your knowledge but also enhances your communication and critical thinking skills. So, whether you prefer the classics, contemporary non-fiction, or self-help books, make it a habit to read consistently throughout the summer.
Keep an eye out for events of interest.
Seek out events and workshops that align with your personal interests. Engage with experts, participate in interactive sessions, and expand your network to gain fresh insights. Conferences and workshops provide excellent platforms to learn about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in your field. Attend talks, panel discussions, and networking events to soak up knowledge and make valuable connections. You may find that business events are few and far between during the summer spell, but there is often a great deal of non-business action going on that can stimulate your personal growth.
Hobbies are more than a pass time.
Unleash your creativity and passion by pursuing hobbies that captivate your interest. Whether it's photography, painting, sport, or learning a musical instrument, these pursuits can spark new ideas and enhance your overall well-being. Hobbies provide a refreshing break from your routine and allow you to approach problem-solving with a renewed perspective. If you dedicate time to your chosen hobbies during the summer, just watch and wonder at the positive side-effect these fun activities have on your overall personal growth.
Face your fears. Hone your abilities.
In the past few years, I've found myself in increasing situations where public speaking is non-negotiable. Previously, I was one of the 75% of people who feel varying degrees of fear or anxiety when they're required to speak to a crowd. It's a common feeling that many people can relate to. So, if you feel nervous about speaking in front of others, remember that you're in good company. Counter these negative feelings by finding your local branch of Toastmasters, and begin your journey towards conquering that fear, delivering a great speech, or making engaging presentations.
Next... your Professional Development.
You can also soar to new heights during these summer months by bolstering your professional skills, enhancing your CV, and levering yourself above the crowd. Here are some action points to consider, if you're keen to propel your working life forward...

Recommended reading for those who make their living working with Management Systems.
While most of the advice in this article can be applied by anyone, in any walk of life, I assume the majority of SQMC readers are already working with Quality, Safety, or Environmental Management Systems, and their corresponding International ('ISO') Standards. If that's you, then I'm going to suggest browsing this short series of guidebooks to the most common Standards, called 'Simple Systems'. If you're already working with the Quality Standard, ISO 9001, consider branching out into Business Continuity (ISO 22301) by learning the Standard in your spare time. It's an area of expertise that has skyrocketed after the wake-up call businesses received from the pandemic, and you'll be a more valuable asset to your employer if they can come to you for advice on the subject. Or if you're a Health and Safety Manager working with your organisation's ISO 45001 system, extended the scope of your knowledge by learning the spin-off Standard, ISO 45003 (Psychological Health and Safety). The books in the Simple Systems series are the most cost-effective way I know to begin the crossover into new criteria and disciplines. And that's an important consideration for CPD because reading not only costs you the cover price, it costs you time - a commodity far more precious than money.
Add a valuable qualification with a certified, online short course.
Explore reputable online platforms that offer professional courses and certifications related to your field. Sharpen your expertise, stay up to date with industry trends, and acquire new qualifications. For certain rudimentary subjects, an on-demand, ‘e-learning’ course can give you the flexibility to learn at your own pace, convenience, and location. Platforms such as Skillshare lean towards courses for more creative and design skills, and for the auditor, it may be that a course in graphic design, web development, or what we used to call ‘desktop publishing’ back in the olden days, could really boost the aesthetics, usability, and professionalism of things like your Quality Manual, audit reports, or - especially if you’re a freelance consultant - your website or brochures.
Then there are platforms, such as Udemy, that align with more business-oriented skillsets. Whether it's basic project management, data analysis, or leadership skills, online courses provide an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.
Or perhaps you have an obsolete qualification that you can refresh? A common request here at SQMC is our one-to-one tuition for previously-trained Quality Auditors whose certification has lapsed due to a change in the corresponding international standard (e.g. ISO 9001:2008 becoming ISO 9001:2015). We arrange these single-day modules over Zoom, so you could (almost) attend from the beach! As well as the ISO 9001 version, we offer ISO 14001 updaters for Environmental Auditors, and ISO 45001 updaters for Safety Auditors who'd trained to OHSAS 18001 prior to 2018.
Collaborative Projects.
Are there opportunities for you to collaborate with colleagues or professionals from different departments or disciplines? For example, if you’re a Quality Engineer, can you strike up a mutually-beneficial working arrangement with a Safety Manager at your company? Engaging in cross-functional projects allows you to broaden your skill set, problem-solve, and strengthen your teamworking abilities. Collaborative projects provide valuable learning experiences and can even lead to innovation. That’s a great way to catch the attention of Senior Management! So, look out for projects within your organisation or join professional networks to find like-minded individuals who are eager to collaborate. By working with diverse teams, you expand your knowledge and gain insights into different areas of expertise. This all adds value to your CV for the future.
Mentoring and Coaching.
Find a mentor… and while you’re at it, consider becoming a mentor, as well! Sharing knowledge and experiences not only benefits others but also helps you solidify your own understanding of certain things. Mentoring allows you to develop leadership skills and contribute to the growth and development of others in your field. Look for mentorship programs within your organisation or professional body. Alternatively, you can seek out experienced professionals and propose a mentorship arrangement. As a mentee, you gain valuable insights and guidance, accelerating your professional development. It’s also very helpful, sometimes, to have someone holding you accountable when reaching for new goals!

Last (but not least)... help make the world a bit better.
Embrace the summer as a time to contribute to your local or wider communities and make a positive difference in the world. By targeting CPD which benefits societal needs, you’ll both grow as a professional, and build your future legacy. There are several avenues you might consider, here:
Dedicate some time to volunteer for causes that resonate with you. Whether it's in a professional capacity offering pro bono services, or at a sociable level supporting local charities or participating in community clean-ups, your unique skills and expertise can uplift communities and inspire change.
Volunteering can increase endorphin production important for your personal, mental wellbeing; and at the same time, it will develop your interpersonal and leadership skills. You can find volunteer opportunities through Facebook community pages, local organisations, non-profit agencies, or professional networks.
Sustainability Initiatives.
Educate yourself on sustainable practices and incorporate them into your professional life. From implementing eco-friendly policies in organisations to encouraging responsible supply chain management, small actions can have a significant impact on the environment and future generations. Embracing sustainability showcases your commitment to corporate social responsibility and positions you as a leader in your field. Stay informed about sustainability trends, attend workshops or webinars on sustainable practices, and integrate sustainable principles into your work.
Continuous Improvement Projects.
Channel your auditing skills towards process improvement initiatives within your organisation. By optimising systems, reducing waste, and enhancing efficiency, you contribute to a better working environment and contribute to the success of your team and organisation. Continuous improvement not only boosts productivity but also demonstrates your dedication to excellence. Identify areas within your organisation that can benefit from process improvements and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to implement changes. Your efforts will enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation.
As the summer season casts its enchanting spell, seize the opportunity to embark on a journey of personal and professional growth through CPD. Embrace the joy of learning, explore new horizons, and make a positive impact on both your career and the world. Remember, CPD doesn't have to be a mundane task—it can be an exhilarating adventure that broadens your knowledge, enhances your skills, and elevates your earning potential.
As the late, great, advocate of self-education, Jim Rohn, once said: “The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximise your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.”