SQMC welcome e-business guru Derek Buntin to the team

Inbound marketing specialist and founder of Adonis Media, Derek Buntin, joined the Scottish Quality Management Centre (SQMC) this month in the capacity of Associate Digital Marketing Consultant.
Derek will be working closely with SQMC director, Kenny Hannah, to continually improve the Dunfermline-based short business course provider’s online presence.
Kenny explained: “I am delighted to have someone with Derek’s positivity and technical expertise contributing to the organisation’s digital marketing. I’ve worked with Derek over the previous year on short contracts, and in that time we’ve made significant improvements to the usability of our online booking system, website functionality, and mobile device optimisation. We’ve even created our own substrative software in ‘the cloud’ that supports our internal administrative procedures, which saves our personnel a lot of time.
“We invited Derek to join the organisation on a more permanent basis as he shares the same passion for business excellence we have always held so strongly at SQMC, and is considered a leading authority among his peers.”
Digital marketing a key ingredient to firm's success
Derek is a certified coder of PHP – a general-purpose programming language that is particularly well suited to website development. In addition to this highly technical aspect of his role at SQMC, Derek will now also advise on a strategic level on matters relating to the organisation’s internet marketing and eCommerce activities.
"I look forward to working closely with Kenny and the team at SQMC to continue their growth as a leading provider of business courses to professionals throughout the world. I believe my role will be essential as the company continues to grow in both size and influence, as they’ve done for over two decades,” said Derek.
“It is my intention to lend my inbound marketing expertise to execute web design and development, and strategic consulting services that enhance the SQMC brand, to attract clients in an authentic way. I strongly believe that our shared values of exceptional quality and a positive outlook on the future potential for the company make me an ideal fit to develop SQMC’s digital marketing strategy.”
Historical ties to renowned university
SQMC were founded in 1989 as a commercial department of the University of Stirling offering short courses in Quality Assurance and Management Systems auditing. In 1998 they became independent to the university, moving their operations headquarters to West Fife, and extending their services to consultancy at the repeated request of Quality Managers across Scotland.
Nowadays, SQMC serve a clientele from the Shetlands to Southampton, and have exported their internationally accredited training courses to EU members such as Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland; as well as the USA. Closer to home, upskilling organisations and students looking to bolster their CVs can attend SQMC courses that run monthly at their headquarters within Fife College’s Carnegie Conference Centre; as well as Quality Scotland in Edinburgh; or Glasgow's Hilton Hotel.
“I have always used a set of clear strategies and processes to create unique, customised inbound marketing strategies for clients. In doing so, I’ve created a system that is rigid in the successful results it generates. I look forward to bringing this same level of discipline to my work at SQMC, a business that stands for the efficient and strategic achievement of goals for businesses in the industrial and service sectors.”