SQMC Telephone Number Information

Updated: 08/07/2015
Please note that as of 17th October 2014, customers will no longer be able to speak with SQMC staff through our traditional local contact telephone number, 01383 725 000. This is due to a BT telephone exchange issue.
As of July 2015, the cheapest way to telephone SQMC is on our brand new number: 0333 939 0045. Calls made to 03 numbers (within the UK) cost the same as a call to other British landlines, and should be included in your telephone provider's tariff if you have a certain amount of 'free' calls per month.
Our 0845 166 8098 number remains in operation, however calls to this number cost 5p per minute, plus your standard network rate; and may not be included in your mobile tariff.
Thank you.