Free Webinar: ISO 9001 and the EFQM Excellence Model

While the EFQM Excellence Model goes above and beyond the realms of ISO 9001:2015, there is a huge commercial advantage in attaining both.
In partnership with our friends at Quality Scotland, Ron Rivans of the Scottish Quality Management Centre will present a one hour webinar this Friday afternoon (29th July at 2.00pm Edinburgh time) explaining the benefits and similarities of both systems; including how Deming's P-D-C-A cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act) utilised in ISO-based business systems aligns with the RADAR (Results - Approach - Development - Assessment - Review) approach of the Excellence Model.
In essence, if your organisation has already achieved EFQM levels, it should be a rather straight forward - and natural - progression to become ISO 9001:2015 Registered (with a government - UKAS - accredited Certification Body), and all the extra tendering clout that this brings.
Although this free webinar is intended for Quality Scotland members only, they have kindly granted permission for us to extend the invitation to SQMC's own clients and readers.
To take advantage and ensure your participation, book your place(s) here.