Which principle was removed from the 8 Quality Management Principles?

Something dramatic (albeit slightly dull, in the grand scheme of things) happened in the business world, back in 2013. ISO published a draft of its new-look ISO 9001 Standard, and it surprised many by reducing the famous '8 Quality Management Principles' (QMPs) to only SEVEN!
Not only that, but it was the beginning of the disappearance of the word 'Quality', as the ISO 9000 series of Standards continued its evolution into more of a general 'Business Management System' blueprint. That's why, today, we simply call them the '7 Management Principles'.
So... what is missing?
The missing 8th Principle is the “System Approach to Management”.
The specific reasons for the exclusion of the "system approach to management" from the QMPs in ISO 9001:2015 are not explicitly documented. Standards and their associated principles evolve over time, and it is possible that the decision to include or exclude certain principles is based on a variety of factors, including industry trends, stakeholder feedback, and the desire to provide a concise and focused set of principles.
It's important to note that the system approach to management remains a valuable concept in the field of quality management, even if it is not explicitly listed as one of the ISO 9001:2015 QMPs. Organizations may still choose to apply a 'system approach' in their management practices to effectively address interdependencies and optimise their overall performance.