Why I love the DIS 9001 (2015)

I have just read in detail the DIS 9001:2015 and I have fallen in love -- so forgive the proselytising.
At last something that does not ‘dumb down’ to the lowest level. At last something that reflects modern business principles, practises and professionalism.
At last something that encapsulates organisational and management theory. At last something holistic and unifying, as the other management system Standards can be seen in the shadows of this one, and the links clear.
With PDCA, the Process Approach and Risk Based Thinking take their full and rightful place within this Standard; as well as the clear setting out of what organisations are not required to do, which will address many of the evils existing in management systems at present. This is a real step forward into 21st Century Management Systems.
If I was happy reading the main document, I was ecstatic when I read the Annexes as they encompass sound common sense – which has been sadly lacking in the past.
Thank you and well done TC 176!